Sunday 2 December 2012

Heart Healthy

Firstly, Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends!

This week something occurred that shook our family up a wee bit. It is not the first time as a family we have dealt with health issues at the parent level. Our very healthy, active, fit father was admitted to ICU with a racing heart rate. He has worked construction his entire adult life and unfortunately has chosen rarely to wear masks when dealing with dusty environments. The damage this has caused to his lungs creates an annual fall cold/cough/flu like condition. Dad has coughing fits, achy limbs and cannot sleep thru the nights. He tends to sleep in the lazy boy, partially upright with the fireplace blazing for many of the nights during this time period. 

This year, a little different!

The damage to his lungs has caught up to him and now the body is saying, no more! The coughing is causing spasm in the lungs; his body is not circulating the oxygen that it should, thus putting stress on the heart. On the insistence of my eldest sister Lisa, a trip to the emergency unit in the local hospital on Monday resulted in a doctor who sent him home without checking his heart. She informed him that the x-rays  show that his lungs are clear,  but may be damaged from the dust exposure long term. On the insistence of my mother, to their family physician he went and one listen to his heart, off to the intensive care unit he was sent. 

The very reason he is in the hospital is partially due to the invincible attitude my father and so many others have. This is a 69 year old man who gets up early every day and still goes to work. He paces himself and rests as he needs throughout the day. He also keeps a daily intake of seeds and nuts, raw fruits and vegetables, eating well and snacking throughout the day. My dad keeps a very healthy lifestyle and yet he is experiencing heart issues. Classically, if it can happen to our father it can happen to anyone.

It was not so long ago, after dealing with my mother’s second angioplasty, did I opt for a referral to St. Michael Toronto Heart Centre for a full heart work up just to ensure that mine was in good shape. I wore a monitor for a week. at the end of that week, it was great to get a clean bill of health. February Heart Month may be a few months away, but I urge you to take whatever steps you can toward keeping your heart healthy. Preventative medicine is definitely the way to go!!!

Here are a few sites that may give you what you need to get started:

And of course one of my favourite sites (just ignore ‘the eat fish’ part! Lol!!!):

This newsletter is a short and sweet one, but mentally and emotionally, so am I. 

Those celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, we wish you a wonderful weekend full of family, friends, love and laughter!  We included some heart healthy recipes below from the Heart & Stroke Foundation website that you can include in your weekend dinners.

Happy Cooking!

Laurie & Lyndsay

By the way, Lawrence is resting well and I am sure his body is doing a happy dance for the rest and relaxation, he has been forced into. Out on Friday and says he will be up finishing my sister’s roof! 

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