Saturday 8 September 2012

Natural Home Remedies for Allergy Support

This past weekend, our very large family got together for the last weekend bbq before the nieces and nephews go off to school. This has become an annual event that our mother, Lyla hosts and it always ends with roasting marshmallows and s’more assembly! 

Lyndsay and I have a devilish little ginger headed nephew named Finn. He is bright and energetic and oh so quick! On my watch, Mr. Finn managed to get into the fruit platter long before the buffet was ready and literally swallowed 3 large strawberries, all the while looking around to see if I was aware. The problem is, Finn is only 2 and has no idea why he is kept away from this fruit he loves so much. He has a terrible sensitivity to strawberries so before the night was out, he was wailing with discomfort and off he went home with his dad, brother Lane. 

I went to work the next day (Tuesday after the Labour Day long weekend in Canada) and a colleague came to my desk with itchy watery eyes and a runny nose, looking for my stash of tissues. Where am I going with this, you might be wondering? I got to thinking that there must be natural remedies that will help us with our allergies and food sensitivities. I know that when I take in certain foods that my body does not agree with, I head to the fridge for Acidophilus and Digestive Enzymes. This is a simple solution for foods, but with the seasonal allergies, natural remedies do not appear to be so simple, or are they? 

When our bodies ingest certain things that it perceives as a toxin or foreign, an allergic  reaction is how the immune system protects the body from what it ‘recognizes’ as damaging. Our immune system is the body’s suit of armour. Most of what we experience is not what would be considered an allergy, but hypersensitivity causing an allergic reaction. The itchy water eyes, the sneezing, the hives, the rashes...are just plain annoying!  
I discovered some very useful information, below are three possible home remedies that are already part of my daily intake:


Dr. Mehmet Oz: 
Yogurt that hasn't been pasteurized contains Lactobacillus acidophilus-a healthy bacteria that makes milk become yogurt. It also fights off fungus-related infections, which is one of the reasons why yogurt is good for you. It works by helping to prevent the overgrowth of fungus that shouldn't be able to grow in your body.

If you aren't a big fan of yogurt, you can take Lactobacillus acidophilus in supplement form. Take 20 milligrams twice daily.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar: 

"Raw Apple Cider Vinegar is hands down our favorite remedy for stopping most allergies like pollen, dander, dust, animal’s food, etc. We aren't kidding! We wish more people knew about this amazing home remedy for allergies.
We have found that when apple cider vinegar is taken either as a daily tonic or at the first sign of an allergy (i.e., sinus headache, stuffy nose, watery eyes), one can completely stop the histamine response or allergic reaction.

Vitamin C Rich Foods:

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, consuming foods rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C, may help reduce your allergy symptoms. Vitamin C is present in a variety of fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits and juices, papaya, kiwi, baked potatoes with skin, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cauliflower, kale and red bell peppers. Vitamin C can also be reaped from vitamin-fortified foods, such as cereals and fruit smoothies.

Fish , Fish Oils, Nuts,  Omega Fatty Acids:

Because omega-3 fatty acids are essential fats with anti-inflammatory properties, increasing the consumption of these healthy fats can reduce immune dysfunction and help alleviate allergy-related conditions.
Taken from: 

As per usual, here are a few sites that will offer you more information:

We wish all of you a happy entry into fall and allergy season. With any luck, those of you who suffer may get some relief by doing some research and possibly discovering what helps with your allergy and sensitivity issues.

Have a wonderful weekend,

Laurie and Lyndsay

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