Thursday 3 May 2012

Oxytocin - The Love Hormone

What exactly is Oxytocin?

My sister Lyndsay sent me an email last week suggesting I do some research on Oxytocin. I had no idea what it is she was writing about. It sounded like an acne medication or maybe something addictive!  Well based on my research and what role it plays in the body, I think if Oxytocin was a drug, we would all be addicted.

For a relatively unknown topic (at least in my mind), I was quite surprised to find how many Google pages are dedicated to Oxytocin. It is best known for its role in childbirth. When the cervix expands it triggers the production of Oxytocin. It helps stimulate contractions and to smooth out the muscle tissue. High levels of this hormone cause familiarity between a mother and her child based on body scent. It is said that a new mother prefers the scent of her child more so than any other scent.

Oxytocin is often referred to as the cuddle or the love hormone as it is released during orgasm by both the male and female body. High levels in the body can also be elevated during massage.  In fact it is believed that Oxytocin is very likely released during close proximity to someone you have strong affection connection with and even more so when there is skin to skin contact. Oxytocin is also known to improve social behaviour in the autistic and the introverted.

Oxytocin is released in the ways mentioned above but it is also released through warm touch, hugs, holding hands, laughing, dancing and other natural movement of the body. During these actions, Oxytocin is the hormone that is released to make you feel like everything is good. Neuroscience has confirmed that just thinking about someone who we have strong feelings for is enough to release Oxytocin in the brain.

There are definite health benefits to the natural production of Oxytocin in the body. It is known for having anti anxiety effects; for reducing blood pressure, increasing the body’s pain threshold and reducing Cortisol levels in the body. Cortisol is often referred to as the stress hormone. Oxytocin is even thought to reduce the body’s craving for drugs, alcohol and sweets. 

Google INSIGHTS reveals that searches for ‘Oxytocin Nasal Spray’, Oxytocin Autism and ‘Oxytocin Social Anxiety have grown by more than 5000% since 2004 . People want to know where to purchase this wonder Hormone. It is a substance that is not readily available to the general public; in fact it is generally only administered by a physician in Canada and the United States. It is available as an online purchase in the form of a nasal spray, a tablet and a lozenge.  

You can also learn a technique to breathing that will release this happy hormone. Just type in “Oxy-breathe or Yoga Breathe” in and you can watch demonstrations on how to produce Oxytocin by breathing.

Should you be interested enough to go online and purchase or teach your self how to oxy-breathe, please let us know about your experience.

So, I ask myself, Is Oxytocin really a wonder hormone? I have to be honest that I am very curious myself!


This recipe was so delicious that we just had to share with everyone on our newsletter.

Prep: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Makes: 24 Balls


1 cup peanut butter
1 cup vegan confectioners sugar
2 tablespoons vegan margarine
1 cup mixed nuts
1 cup brown rice crisps cereal
1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
4 oz vegan dark chocolate

Cooking Instructions:
1. Mix peanut butter, sugar and margarine until smooth
2. Fold in rice crisps and nuts
3. Roll out 24 balls and place on parchment paper
4. Roll each ball in coconut until completely coated
5. Roll each ball between palms to round out evenly and place on parchment paper
6. Melt 3 oz of chocolate in microwave for 8-10 minutes reduce heat to 40%, stirring after 4-5 minutes
7. Chop 1 oz of chocolate finely and stir into melted chocolate
8. Drizzle balls with melted chocolate using the tip of a spoon or fork

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