Sunday 1 April 2012

18 Healthy Foods in the Grocery Store

So what really are the healthiest foods to have in your shopping cart before you leave the grocer? We all cannot be perfect and we sure do enjoy some of the unhealthy items that our shelves are stocked with,
however, it is important to stock your cart with some of the healthy foods we have listed below.

You will notice that we have listed the nutritious items by alphabetical order.  This helps to program the mind if you forget to bring a shopping list with you.

Ever notice your grocery bill is out of control when you don’t go with a list? I know I have to swallow pretty hard when the teller tells me my total, and I cannot even justify it when I arrive at home and have many of the items I bought already stocked on my shelves.

A little side tracked, back to the topic at hand – What are some of the healthiest foods in the grocery store?

Read on to see what we think and why…

Avocados – Highest recommended food & fruit for body builders and cholesterol related heart disease. This super food is rich in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, B, K, Copper, Potassium and folic acid

Almonds– yes high in fat; But the right fat! Monosaturated, which is the good stuff that aids a healthy heart.  They’re high in protein, fiber, and essential fatty acids, Omega-3, Omerga-6, Vitamin E and K.
A handful a day will help keep the doctor away!

Asparagus - High source of folic acid, dense in nutrients and packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer benefits.

Berries – Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients and are low in calories! They are known as natural healers from disease, help prevent some forms of cancer, aid in curing bladder infections – even help with vision!

Beans – Low glycemic index, foods that have this help regulate your blood sugar. Beans are full of fiber which helps you feel full longer.  They are packed with protein and full of nutrients. People are worried about gas… did you know if you buy beans in a bag and cook them yourself thoroughly, allowing the oligosaccharide sugar to release and be rinsed away, that this will reduce gas considerably!

Bell Peppers – if it starts with a V it’s in there!  So rich in vitamins, full of antioxidants. Have anti-cancer fighting benefits and add a bit of sweetness to dishes.   Something this bright in color just has to be good for you!

Butternut Squash – Low in Fat, High in Fiber- contains vital poly-phenolic anti-oxidants and vitamins. This winter vegetable is also high in beta-carotene. – ever try Spaghetti Squash as a replacement for pasta?

Broccoli – Rich in Calcium, extremely important in our diet. It is rich in dozens of nutrients. It even has 2 grams of protein in ½ cup. Its rich green color is its first give away on how incredible nutritious this is for us to consume.

Brussels Sprouts – Think Vitamin A, B6, C, E and K but then think about anti-cancer benefits and a battle against free radicals.  This vegetable is absolutely under rated in the North American diet.

Eggs – We bragged about eggs in our last article! They are high in protein, full of nutrients, great for the body, very low on the pocket book with a long shelf life.

Edamame – One of the few natural sources of vitamin E also rich in B and C.  It is an incredible source of protein but also an excellent source of antioxidants. They are a meaty bean with excellent flavor….
Delicious if you heat the bean in the skin and salt it, best replacement for chips or popcorn.

Garlic – This is a must have in your diet.  Lowers cholesterol, it has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Known in most households for its ability to boost your immune system and keep away a cold.

Goat Cheese – As far as cheese goes, this is the lowest in fat; also, high in protein and high in calcium.  This is a greate alternative to cream cheese in savory dishes.

Onions – very similar to garlic when digested in the body. This are excellent for boosting the immune system and are packed with nutrients that our body needs to run.

Spinach & Kale – As rich in color as broccoli and as rich in nutrients! These are packed with Vitamin K, enough to get your daily intake by just putting it in your salad or as a steamed side.
Both are  a veg that you can put into soups, stews, sauces, stir-fry’s, sandwiched, salads… and more! Also know for its protection from prostate cancer.

Sweet Potatoes – so much better for you than a white potato, yes it is a complex carbohydrate however it is packed with so many good nutrients for our bodies!
Excellent source of fiber and beta-carotene, and vitamins. Rich in vitamin A, which keeps our eye sight strong.

Tomatoes – Not only are they loaded with antioxidants and have anti-cancer benefits, they help promote a healthy cardiovascular system and are also known to help protect our skin from sun damage.
These tasty fruits are very low in calories also.

Yogurt – Excellent alternative for creams, butters, milks etc. in dishes for creamy consistency. Excellent for digestion and studies have shown that this is actually better for us than milk.
Sugars can creep up on the nutrition label, so pick a low sugar, like Greek yogurt and add fresh berries.

Rich in Fiber, Protein and relatively low in sugar, scroll to bottom of this newsletter to get a chocolate chip cookie recipe that you can feel good about eating.

Interesting Food Fact

Did You Know?

On Superbowl Sunday, Americans eat about 8 million pounds of guacamole?  Can you even fathom how many avocados are used?? 

RECIPE - Just A Little Outside The Box Chocolate Chip Cookies

Makes: 30 cookies
Per cookie: Approx 3.5 grams of protein and only 7 grams of sugar!
Which could be reduced if you use only 1/2 the chocolate chips

1/2 cup shortening
1/2 cup butter or vegan margarine
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2  eggs
3 cups chick pea flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
  1. In a medium/large mixing bowl, beat with a mixer the butter, shortening, brown sugar until smooth and almost fluffy looking
  2. Add in the vanilla and beat until blended throughout the mixture
  3. Add in each egg separately, and beat into mixture
  4. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda and salt,  and mix three ingredients thoroughly
  5. Slowly add dry mixture to wet mixture while electric mixer is beating the mixture, the dough is a wet consistency but not runny
  6. Add in the chocolate chips, stir together
  7. Separate on a greased cookie sheet, about 12 per sheet.  These cookies do not run out, they actually rise and are very soft when cooked
  8. Place in a 350 degree oven, approximately 10 to 12 minutes per batch

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