Saturday 27 October 2012

Cleaning Your Home Naturally

Similar to how I think about GMO foods, I ask, why do we insist on putting products that make the body ill into our environment? Why do we buy products that are labelled with a skull and cross bones, put them in our pantries, our cupboards and in our laundry rooms and think that this is safe?  Do we not realize that packaging emits toxins?  If not, then your sinuses would not be irritated when you walk down the cleaner aisles at your local grocery. So what is it that cleaners do to us when we are using them directly and not wearing a gas mask to help prevent breathing in the fumes?

We know that everything we allow down the drains in our homes affects the environment. Scientists have also made the public aware that the increase in allergies and asthma in children and adults is in part caused by the toxins in our environments and in the very products we believe are best for cleaning our homes. I have to be honest in that I cringe when I am visiting someone and use their washroom, only to see bright blue water. I cannot believe that this type of product is even manufactured. Not only is this product toxic, but the blue dye is so not necessary (dye is another topic).  If you did not know what I have just written, it is time to start Googling!

There was a time and it was not so long ago, that if you wanted to clean your home ‘cleanly’, you pretty much had to make your own cleansers. This is probably still the best option all around as you are contributing less to your carbon footprint with less packaging waste. For the busy families, this is not the most convenient of options and there has been a blossoming of natural cleanser product development hitting in the market; so much so the bigger mainstream players are on board, needing an even bigger slice of the pie. We have options and with options, it is trial and error to find the one that works best for your needs.

For years, I have been using non toxin laundry soaps and dish detergent.  I have flip flopped between making my own household cleansers and buying not toxic bottled product and I am still not certain which way to go when it comes to scrubbing the toilet. I don’t use bleach and I don’t use ammonia and yes, I do wear lots of white clothing. There are other products and ways to keep whites white! 

I spent the evening reading different websites in order to gather information and these are a few sites I thought you might find interesting:

We can all do our part in using less toxic products and be healthier for it. If you have ideas that will benefit others or if you have stumbled across a great product, share it, we would love to hear from you. 

Happy Cooking, 

Laurie and Lyndsay

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